Sad end to a Hudson convertible...

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
Long-time forum members may recall a brief blip about this incident on the Forum, perhaps three years ago.  A Step-Down convertible (partly through a restoration) was being sold, a fellow agreed to buy it, and the seller started to drive it down a steep hill from his house, to the seller's waiting trailer on the road below.

It was at that point that the seller suddenly realized that the ongoing restoration did not include the car's braking system.

Apparently the car was to have been paid for when it reached the buyer's trailer at the bottom of the hill.

When the car did reach the bottom of the hill, the buyer was no longer interested in it.

A witness to the sad events that afternoon, has just posted some photos of the outcome, over at the AACA website.

Photos had been posted here (or at our sister H-E-T forum; I don't recall which) at the time of the incident.  However, they were "pulled" from the discussion, possibly by a moderator trying to spare the seller the added grief and embarrassment of re-living the incident.

Now that several years have passed, and someone else has published these shots elsewhere, I guess it's okay to mention this event.


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Thanks for filling in the missing info.  So the seller (who bought the car from Jim's estate) was not really acquainted with its condition, then?  It was hard to understand the situation, from the AACA forum message.  I had gotten the impression that someone in the seller's family had started the restoration, then died, so the seller had decided to sell the car.  I wondered how (if the car had been in his family) he missed seeing that the brakes were bad.  But maybe he had simply bought the car from the Harmon estate with the intent to re-sell, and hadn't really understood its real condition.  Anyway, I'm happy for him, that he only received a large bump on the head, and wasn't more severely injured.  (I'm also happy for the buyer, that he didn't close the sale at the TOP of the hill!
  • Per
    Per Member
    I wonder if it had overdrive and the handle wasn't pulled out.  The owner probably expected to keep the car in first gear so it would go slowly.
  • RL Chilton
    RL Chilton Administrator, Member
    I remember this story when it was last mentioned here on this board.  

    That's so dumb and wasteful, I don't even know what to say . . . . some people's kids!!  Regardless, the car could've been fixed.  
  • True words, RL.   I've seen worse cases get fixed...k
  • Nevada Hudson
    Nevada Hudson Senior Contributor
    Was alcohol involved?

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