Hudson Jet hood hinges and springs, $50 shipped

Hudson Jet hood hinges and springs, both need a good cleaning. $50 for the pair including shipping to Lower 48. Thanks, David


  • Price lowered to $40 including shipping to Lower 48. Thanks, David
  • what year  ineed for 
  • 53jetman
    53jetman Senior Contributor
    I'll venture a bet that if you order these hood hinges, you will never see them.  Just remember to contact the seller and ask for your money back - they will refund to you, but I know of several cases where parts were ordered from a forum post (including my order), and the seller never gets around to delivering as he specifies he will. ! ! ! !
  • Bgrobe, this post is a year old.  No harm in inquiring, I guess, but don't get your hopes up.

    Jerry, if you're talking about this seller in particular, he apparently had a stroke, and his wife was trying to ship out parts that people had paid for.  Apparently she missed some folks?  If you can get a hold of her, I'm sure she will make things right.
  • 53jetman
    53jetman Senior Contributor
    Yes, I know she will make thinks right with a refund, but I know for a fact there have been many cases where they did not ship the parts ordered - so why go thru the motions of offering parts for sale if they can never find the time to get the parts ready to ship ! ! ! !
  • Glowplug
    Glowplug Expert Adviser
    edited September 2017
    Jerry, being a customer is one thing, being the person who offered the parts and soon after nearly dies of a heart attack is another. This man knew he was ill and was trying to put the parts he collected in the hands of those who might use them...but his illness stopped that cold. finding out that promised shipment of paid for parts had not occurred the sellers spouse has tried to right those wrongs.  As the saying are not promised tomorrow,  today maybe the last day we (I) can complete promises made.  In all honesty this fellows dream was to Drive his Jet to a Hudson meet. 
  • hudshornet
    hudshornet Expert Adviser
    For the record, David is a great guy and what happened to him and to the people buying parts by extension is unfortunate.  However he has done everything he can to make things right, so let's not best a dead horse.  This community is small enough and shrinking steadily there is no reason to hold grudges.
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