made up some door panels for the 48
in Street Rods
Feel free to read about the exploits on the build thread on my site at or have a look at the pics. Nothing fancy but i like em.
I have saved all the stock parts from the door minus the rat infested door cards. But I have all the wooden trim, chrome ash tray stuff, etc etc.
Door panels look good. like the seat on the chopper too. Is it a triumph? You are doing some killer work on the old car, I think I might put panels on mine after seeing yours.0
thanks Triman. the chop is a 76 Harley FX that i am contemplating selling to help fund the Hudson. not sure yet if i want to sell it or the franken shovelhead that is in the back of the pics.i made the rear door panels last night. came out pretty good for a hack. i didnt think of the alignment along the door jambs so on the drivers side one its a it off. i ran out of material and plyboard so ill prob leave it as is for a bit but i know it will drive me batty. may see how it looks once the seats are in - which is what i have to tackle next.thank you for the kind words by the way. have fun with yours.0
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