timing mark

Have a 37 hudson 212 engine and I'll be darned if I can see the timing mark. All that I see with the light is a round circle on the fly wheel. Is that it. Yeah I feel dumb.


  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    There should be a star at one point, which indicates that the drain hole for the clutch is at the bottom.  the T.D.C.  marks are one long mark (T.D.C.) and several  shorter marks which give an indication of timing when using a timing light.   Take plug No. 1 out and hand crank the motor untilyou feel air comign out the hole, then slowly wind over and you should see them.  Alternatively, climb under the car, remove the flywheel cover.  and thoroughly clean the periphery of the flywheel and you should discover them.
  • Additionally, you might use some white marker paint (after a good cleaning) in those timing marks, wiping the excess off before it sets-up. Makes 'em stand out with the timing light. Instead of fighting it through the window, take Geoffrey's good advice and do it from below.


  • Val
    Val Member
    imageI have a 39 with the 212 clean the fly wheel and you can use white chalk and see the marks very well. image

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