What is this?
Any one know what this is:
Kinda like a terrorplane grill.
Kinda interested in it and may buy as long as it dosnt go up much more.
Kinda like a terrorplane grill.
Kinda interested in it and may buy as long as it dosnt go up much more.
Looks like a jaguar with a some changes0
The rear cross member is out of a ford prior to 1949. So it had a transverse rear spring. The frame appears to be hand made from channel iron. I bet it had a flathead Ford V8 in it's early life. Soooo much rust..0
Maybe Wildrick knows something. Isn't he in Shelbyville?0
A large bumper car????0
Didn't Mercury div. of ford make a Meteor in Canada in the 40's and 50's?0
In the 60s i think0
Well i went to bid and it had already gone over what i was going to pay.
Started at $1 and ended at $3,545.00 NZD ($2548.87USD)
bit much for that much rust of unknown pedigree if you ask me.
0 -
Strange but kinda cool. Different0
I think the price of rust went up over seas last week0
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