Trying to Renew Membership with Pay-Pal
Senior Contributor
I've been trying for four days now to get the Club Web Site to accept my payment of annual dues. It just seems to me that some of the "Renewal" section is not working properly. Has anyone else had his problem lately?
Jerry, I just saw your post and decided it was time to do the same thing. PayPall link worked for me.0
Thankx Super Dave! I guess I'll just have to try, try again!
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What sort of problems do you see? Does the link go into what seems to be a loop?
You could try clearing your browser cache. That sometimes helps out; with various changes that happen to the website over the months there are sometimes old "cookies" that are hanging around which confuses the updated software.
Failing that send an email to and Aaron will be bale to sort you out
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