cork clutch

I just installed a new cork 10 in. disk in back of my 1954 Hornet engine. We got the new disk from Wildrick and it looked real good. W e used a used pressure plate that checked out fine We put in a can of fluid that we also got from Wildrick. Anyhow the engine has not been started. It seems like the disk is sticking to the flywheel or pressure plate . Have to break it loose manually and once free its ok. with the clutch pedal depressed. Is this normal for a cork clutch.Thanks, Karl


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Have you asked Doug Wildrick?
  • No ,I have not talked with Doug. The clutch was installed about a month ago. Engine had not been started for a long time. The engine is being installed in a 1937 Terraplane. The clutch linkage works fine