New guy From Texas
in Street Rods
Hello everyone. New guy here from Texas. My name is Will. I am a recently retired Naval Officer who finally has the time to work on his Hudson. I own a '47 Super Six Business Coupe. It's in decent shape, but will be a lot of work. My current plans are to go the restomod/rat rod route. I'll be looking for a few parts I'm sure and plenty of advice/know how. Hope to make a Texas Chapter meet sometime in the near future. (I am in DEEP south Texas however, lol.)
Will we have chapter members from end to end of the Great State of Texas. You are encouraged to join the HET National as well as a chapter. Texas has three chapters. One in far west our in the ELPaso area, The North Texas Hudson Dealers and the South Texas Chapter. You can find information about the SOUTH TEXAS CHAPTER at this web site: We have many retired military HET owners and every type and description of HET product owned. Today we returned from a large ORPHAN car meet which was jointly attended by North and South Texas Chapters. pictures can be seen here. Our chapter offers free first years dues to new members. Hope to see you at an up coming meeting.
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