36 Terraplane differntial gears

Hi All I'm in the process of restoring a 36 Terraplane pickup .

 While working on the rear axel I checked the gear ratio to be 4.59

this seems to a little slower to what I'd like . Would there be a later rear axel

that has higher seed gears like 3.54 or 3.78 that would fit into my 36 ?

 Thanks Wiggi


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited April 2017
    The standard ratio was, I believe, 4.11.  You can probably find a complete used rear axle  (to use, or from which to salvage the gears).  Once in awhile you can find NOS standard gearsets at Hudson flea markets.  There is someone who is actually making the high-speed gearsets (3.5 or so) which will bolt right in, and you can then cruise at 60mph.  I think they now run about $1200, though. 

    By the way, welcome to the Hudson Open Forum!