Help replacing 36 Terraplane driver's window.

junkcarfann Expert Adviser
edited June 2017 in HUDSON
Well, I got the glass out of the 36 Terraplane driver's window. And it is in its frame which holds it at the bottom. (Glass is crazed with rotting safety plastic).

It was no fun, with the vent window mechanism, but now I need to get the old glass out of its metal frame which is on the bottom.

Any suggestions? Thanks for any help.


  • Uncle Josh
    Uncle Josh Senior Contributor
    Have the place that makes your new glass do it.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Here is an on-line "how-to" that might be helpful:   They speak about inserting a thin metal blade in between the rubber (or felt, or putty) and the glass, to separate it.  You might go to a stationary store and look for one of those thin stainless steel eraser shields.  They're thin, strong, but not sharp like a knife (so you lessen the chances of cutting yourself).

  • junkcarfann
    junkcarfann Expert Adviser
    Thanks guys for the info!
  • Jay_G
    Jay_G Expert Adviser

    Use a penetrant, a rubber mallet and a piece of wood.  Hold the glass and with the wood and rubber mallet tap the metal frame off.  I use a 1x4 or 1x6 and gently bang away  the rubber between the glass and frame will eventually let go.  Sometimes  the glass comes free but usually the rubber tape sticks to the glass and comes it all comes out of the frame. 

    After you clean the frame up and paint, put the rubber tape on the window set the window on a towel folded a few time on a flat table and gently tap away on the frame with the rubber mallet.  You think you will break it but the window glass has more strength than you think. 

    Just finished putting new glass into my 1922.  Some of the windows were stubborn some were not.  So I let the penetrating oil do its job over a day or two and no issues.  You can do it and once you have done it you wonder why you spent the monies to have the glass shop do it.  (been there done that also)  When replacing the glass in the frame use a lubricant (soap) and it will go in without issue.  Then wash the soap away.  My glass guy uses bacon grease.
