Castle Nut for rear spindle 1940
Expert Adviser
I am in need of a new 3/4-20 fine thread castle nut for the rear spindle on my 1940.
I have been shopping the Internet, but have not had much luck. I got one from NAPA. It is a 3/4-20, but the nut is much smaller than the original. It definitely fits and screws on, but due to smallness I am afraid to use it.
Any suggestions about where to obtain one?
I have been shopping the Internet, but have not had much luck. I got one from NAPA. It is a 3/4-20, but the nut is much smaller than the original. It definitely fits and screws on, but due to smallness I am afraid to use it.
Any suggestions about where to obtain one?
Rock Auto. Look for a 56 Olds spindle nut.
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Thanks Essx28 I appreciate this info
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