WTB Tube from Heater Hose to Water Pump - 1949 Hudson
I have a 1949 Hudson Club Coupe - Six Cylinder, 3 Speed Manual. Car has the original metal tube from water pump to heater, but it has corroded to point that it is not usable. I had sent it to Classic Tube in Buffalo, NY for a quote, but they told me that could not make the 90 degree turn right above the fitting. Does anyone reproduce these? I have the threaded fitting that connects to water pump.
Also, is there a replacement heater core available if mine is too clogged or leaky to reuse? I have looked on line and not found an obvious source. There is one on e Bay from a '54. Not sure it would work for a '49.
Chris Van Zandt
585 455-5063
Also, is there a replacement heater core available if mine is too clogged or leaky to reuse? I have looked on line and not found an obvious source. There is one on e Bay from a '54. Not sure it would work for a '49.
Chris Van Zandt
585 455-5063
Chris I have both of the parts you need. 704 792 911 zero0
Lance - Thanks again for the quick response. I mailed check this AM. Your help is much appreciated.0
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