Pick up frame needed!
Ric West IN
Senior Contributor
Help....please, Just discovered the rust on my pick up project is more extensive than I thought. All four X member to side rail as well as below steering box and at the rear "kick up" . Anyone have a better one for sale??
Fred "Ric" Pinder
Fred "Ric" Pinder
Assuming you have a 46 or 47, wouldnt the Sdn be the same?
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LWB truck is 7 in longer. Didn't want to worry about alignment while splicing.
Sedan would work for patch donation.0 -
sorry..had one advertized for long time, perfect powdercoated pickup frame, had to scrap it finally cause nobody wanted it!!0
Fred, where are you located?0
Allan, West Michigan, near Grand Rapids. We've decided to continue with patching. Thanks for the response.0
I have complete truck that needs everything I am looking to sell.0
Thanks Allan, I'll stick with this. Has been in the family since 1966 and inside storage since 1970.0
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