Oil Pump Priming

Rob Member
Hello, I wish to prime the oil pump on a 1928 Essex super six. I have removed the lower hex nut (inlet) and inside appears to be a piston then a soft spring on top. The piston sits on top of the inlet and must draw the oil up and the then seats piston back down on the inlet.
There  is no ball bearings here. I have not removed the top plate on the pump yet but gather this is where I would put oil in to prime the pump? The pipe to the gauge and from the sump all seem to function fine (blowing on pipes).

The car has been sitting for about a year and a half. Any help greatly appreciated.


  • ernie28
    ernie28 Expert Adviser
    Rob, there should be two ball bearings on top of the inlet bulb and two under the plunger at the outlet. Need both lots for it to work. Assuming the bottom balls are there, yes remove the hex cap on the outlet and then take the spring, plunger and balls out to prime. 
    Hope it is all there and works for you. 
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    What you describe is  a 1929 pump.  It will  have an  oval steel top cap with two hex screws.  You remove the top, lift out the spring, piston, another light spring and the cup valve, and fill the pump with oil.
  • Rob
    Rob Member
    You are correct! An oval top plate.
    Thank you sooo much, I feel more confident about the pump and priming it.