For Sale - 1932 Essex Bumper

1932 Essex Bumper with brackets. $100.00 plus shipping or will bring to the National.


  • Hi Mike
    I live in Hawaii I'am building a 1932 Essex Super Six 5w coupe in Hawaii you need to have 2 taillights to drive it on the road could you please let me know if you know anyone that might have a taillight or some were I could check for one I Thank you very much for you time 
    my Email is or my Cell (808)330-8096.
    Aloha Brad
  • Mike, Is that the same bumper I need for my 1933 "Not a Deluxe" Essex Terrraplane. If so I'll take it. BTW, if it's not a deluxe is it just a Terraplane?  
  • Barefutn - not what you need for your car. At any rate, it is long gone. Keep what you have for now.