Frame repair
in Street Rods
I am restoring a '51 Hornet sedan, which is mostly a rust free car, that has rot in the frame members behind the rocker panels. It is both left and right sides and also inside and outside of each frame section under the front doors. The car has a typical rusty trunk floor and a few small floorboard sections I am looking for advise on the proper ways to repair these areas, ie, home made patch panels or does any one offer a replacement section. I know to do only one area at a time to maintain the cars integrity, but any help would be appreciated.
Check Ken Cates Hudson site. A lot of helpful info there.
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ill look again, but didn't see anything specific. Thank you though0
Cheyenne: look at Body repair area as well as frame repair area. The example cars were far worse than you describe and they were repaired as shown .0
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