1928 Essex front end
in Street Rods
I just got a 28 Essex coupe in pieces, I want to change the front end is there something that will be close to bolting in? Would like to keep the front spring setup.
What will you be doing with the original front end and steering as I can maybe use it? Roy Marks0
Are you looking for an original axle, or are you saying that you're looking for a more modern setup? If you're looking to retain the spring setup, I would think you'd probably have to find a solid front axle, huh? If for example you wanted to improve the brakes, someone might suggest a conversion.0
I found a 38 dodge front axle, have to move the spring perchs a little but has juice brakes. I do have the original front axle does not have complete wheels on it0
If your old front end is in good shape? I know someone who is looking for a 1928 Essex front end.
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I think most of it was there, its at my brothers place right now0
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