Vehicle For Sale
in Vehicles
1936 Terraplane Panel Truck project for sale on eBay. Listed under Hudson Cars For Sale.
Love this project. Wish I had more room. I have 2 Studebaker projects that need completion.0
If a club member buys it, I have set of factory blueprints and hundreds of restoration pictures available.0
OK, who's got the dual cowl?0
Which dual cowl ?0
Yes, Uncle Josh0
Looks like a disconnect. I'm sure Uncle Josh is referring to the dual cowl that was at Hostetler's.29sptphaeton said:Yes, Uncle Josh
0 -
Sorry for the confusion0
Looks like it didn't make reserve
Todd H
Winchester, VA0 -
I thought the entire Hostetler auction was no reserve?0
The original posting was for the 1936 panel truck and it did not make the reserve price.
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