1926 Essex Touring for sale
Hi, We have our 1926 Essex touring project car plus extra parts for sale. If interested $4,250 or best offer. The 26 is sold in not running as where is condition located in eastern Oklahoma. jandb4351@gmail.com Restoration started with rewooding of a Body from the dry area of central Oregon. It needs sheet metal, interior and engine etc. restoration, currently not in running condition needs battery and electric fuel pump installed. Last driven about 8 years ago, engine is hard to start and smokes, compression was about 50-60 pounds, otherwise drove well. Very little rust on body or frame except for body rear panel and bottom of drivers door. Car has a Oklahoma title using frame serial number. A untitled disassembled 1924 Touring parts car is included no wood and only about 70 percent of sheet metal it is rusty with a chassis, radiator, hood, cowl, 3 doors skins and most of the rear section. The two tourings appear to have been built by different coach builders and rear door and front fenders do not interchange. There are additional small parts and spare engine, transmission, 20 and 21 inch wheels, radiator. For more information jandb4351@gmail.com
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