1957 Rambler Radio Announcement Vinyl LP for sale on e-bay
This is a 33/12 Vinyl LP made in 1956 for the 1957 Model Year. The "Old Philosopher" talks on 4 separate cuts about the new 1957 Ramblers.
Check it out here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/253994892439
That deserves to be saved for the sake of the car collecting hobby0 -
Nobody bought this rare item, so I lowered the price to $20.00. I need to downsize...if you are thinking about buying this, now is the time!
NOTE: This is the new address for the eBay listing.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/2540019297790 -
Problem is for me (and I think I speak for a lot of others) is that I need to downsize or "thin the heard" myself. In short, I have too much stuff. Don't want to end up like all those people you see on the cable TV program "American Pickers" who have garage or barn loads of stuff just rotting away (and their kids don't want any of it). That said, hope this record finds a "loving home."0
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