Repro Radiators -- Anyone dealt with this company?

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited December 2018 in HUDSON
C, G, and J, Inc., offer several different repro radiators for various years of Hudson at their website. Some of our Hudson people have evidently purchased these and like them.

I'd like to add these radiators to my Repro Parts webpage but I'm not sure which radiators fit which years. If anyone's used them in their cars, could they please go to the company "Hudson" webpage and verify for me any of the applications by year or number of cylinders? Thank you!


  • The 3402 fit my 47 Commodore with a twin h 308 perfectly. Just order the bottom outlet with a straight 2" 1.5" diameter fitting
  • Kdancy
    Kdancy Senior Contributor
    I sent them an original 53 Hornet radiator to use as a template to make their 53 Hudson aluminum one. It fit and performed nicely.