Front disk brakes
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in Street Rods
Is anybody still making still making front disk brake systems for hudson
Brakes are for a 1940 pick -up0
Scarebird makes a kit for 48-54 Hudson: -
See my response on the HILL HOLDER Discussion0
I have used a scarebird kit on a 65 mustang I have. They manufacture a great product. I would like ot hesitate ro use them again.0
Scarebird will make a kit for the '40 pickup - I believe they will need you to send them one of the front hubs so they can design the adapter.0
Thanks to everyone for trying to help0
How do you find out the price from the ABS website? Or do you have to contact them for a price?0
I m not sure0
Contact the folks at ABS for price... website does not show pricing
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