Inserting an avatar photo next to your name
Jon B
1. At the upper left corner of the page you should see your username in blue. Below your username are four symbols. Click on the right-most one (a sort of sunburst).
2. In the box that opens up, click on EDIT PROFILE
3. Now you see your profile listed. At the left are six "blue" options. Click on CHANGE MY PICTURE.
4. Click on CHANGE PICTURE in the large dialog box. This opens a file menu of your computer. Find, and select, the photo you wish to become your new avatar. Click OPEN at the bottom of the file dialog box.
2. In the box that opens up, click on EDIT PROFILE
3. Now you see your profile listed. At the left are six "blue" options. Click on CHANGE MY PICTURE.
4. Click on CHANGE PICTURE in the large dialog box. This opens a file menu of your computer. Find, and select, the photo you wish to become your new avatar. Click OPEN at the bottom of the file dialog box.
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