1933 Terraplane Eight Convertible
bent metal
Senior Contributor
This car I did work on for Ivan. He had the metal top bows made, which came with the curved overhead top bow, and the header over the windshield. But not the rest. The rear overhead curved top bow was perfect. But we didn't like the over the windshield header, the rest of the wood was not supplied. So I made a new windshield header and made it lower, sleeker. Made the missing pieces as well. All in oak, then a light stain, seal and top coat. Cleaned up the supplied seat frame wood too. Later on, I made the wood nailer that inset around cab back opening for the upholstery to nail to. Along with the battery cover, behind the seat shelf/divider thingy, then sound deadened everything.
Fantastic work as ever Perry!
Envy is a sin but one I freely acknowledge when looking at your work0 -
Absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful work, and ditto on Paul's comment!
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"Better than new" looks like an apt description here, lucky Ivan!
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Great work. We need more pics of ride.0
Some of the rubber parts, I could not find. So, I made them new. Ivan asked me to make a small run of these parts so that they could be made available to other guys that were working on Terraplane convertibles. Which he did. Wildrick had the lower rumble seat step but not the upper. The A-pillar bumper above the door, hood center, windshield corner, rumble lid, and the door catch rubber, I had to make.
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Door limiter too. This is a modified '32 Murry bodied limiter from a Ford. I think, can't remember for sure. I had to make new arms and pins. But the rubber was perfect, and the adjuster worked great too.
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Beautiful work.
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Earlier on this thread I mentioned we didn't like the top bow that came with the convertible top. It was too big and blocky looking. I made a new, sleaker looking one. The first two pictures are of the one I made.
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The sheet metal for the convertible top header needed work too.
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Ivan with a "Hi FIVE" with the '33 Terraplane on the back cover of the Nov-Dec 2021 WTN.0
Yes VicTor Z, I saw that. Looks like he's almost got the car done.0
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