'35 Aussie Racer
Senior Contributor
in Street Rods
Looks like the way to go for headers for an 8 cyl.0
WOW!!! That is cool. Thanks for posting!
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Specs say "roller lifters", not used in '35.
If used Essex or Hudson rollers they were 1" inch dia. that would reduce effective cam contact quite a bit.
Stock lifter face in '35 was 3" radius, if I recall correctly.
Loose a lot of power that way.
Interesting to find out what was used.0 -
You are right, roller lifters not used from '34 onwards, but the advertising blurb insisted on naming them as such. Solid lifters were a step backwards as far as reliability is concerned, and if oil not up to scratch they wore grooves in them, and correspondingly damaged the camshaft. Every time the valves are taken out the lifters should be checked and either reground or replaced. And definitely use a zinc additive oil.0
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