54 coupe for sale
For sale: 54 Hornet couple. Will need paint and interior. The body is is very straight and solid. The trunk is solid. The front suspension has less than 3k, along with the shocks, and leaf springs . Floor pans need replaced. Have fender skirts and some new interior accessories. Have all the stainless and retainers. Have radiator and hoop latch assy. The brakes have 3k, but since it's been sitting for years the wheel cylinders will need rebuilt.
Note: I'm in the process of building a new 308 (Twin H, or 2 barrel) for this car if it doesn't sell as it's being listed as, can work out a package deal with a hydromatic.
Steve 309 840 4000
Randy 309 267 6158
how is the rear frame area? when i go to ebay its not there ? paul c.
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2manyprojects said:how is the rear frame area? when i go to ebay its not there ? paul c.2manyprojects said:how is the rear frame area? when i go to ebay its not there ? paul c.
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Paul, I had it listed in the wrong category and Im relisting it when I get off work. I need to get the vin before I can relist
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Rear frame area is solid. I can get more pics, but not today because of this crazy snow going on right now
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I like it a lot. Has a great look0
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