Late Model Ford Mustang they fit the front axle of a 1936 Terraplane?
in Street Rods
I posted this on the regular Hudson forum, but it probably should be here.
Has anyone put 2018 era Ford Mustang Aluminum wheels on a 1936 Terraplane (Front Axle) ? Or any late model Ford Aluminum wheels?
If so, two questions:
1. Is there clearance inside with the tie rods etc, and
2. Is the center hole of the wheel large enough to clear the Hudson wheel bearing housing?
Thanks in advance
Has anyone put 2018 era Ford Mustang Aluminum wheels on a 1936 Terraplane (Front Axle) ? Or any late model Ford Aluminum wheels?
If so, two questions:
1. Is there clearance inside with the tie rods etc, and
2. Is the center hole of the wheel large enough to clear the Hudson wheel bearing housing?
Thanks in advance
Hey Rocket,
I have been working on different wheels myself for some time.
I finally did get some Ford Ranger 3 spoke 'chrome clad' type wheels for mine, that are the correct bolt pattern.
I did need to open up the center hole a few mm's to go over the center hub. I also had to have 5 more holes drilled in the same 5 on 4 3/4 bolt pattern in between the lug holes to accommodate the rivets in the drum. They are a 16X7 wheel and I am looking into tires now. I will post some pics later and post what I find out.
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Thanks jj great info...the info about the rivets is great. How did you open up the center hole...and how much?0
I was fortunate to have a friend that has a bro in a machine shop and he did it for me. Not exactly sure how...maybe a regular shop could do it on a drum lathe?
I don't remember how much but I put a digi caliper on the hub and he used a small dial bore gauge to get the amount.
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