One reason to get your Hudson to car meets

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited August 2019 in HUDSON
Today I joined several fellow Hudsonites in the small town of Berryville, Va., which was hosting an end-of-summer cruise in.  It occupied parts of a couple streets as well as a parking lot.  There were at least 225 cars ('cause that's the number of flyers I passed out for my local AACA's upcoming show), and there must have been about 10-12 Hudsons.  

I talked to a spectator who seemed interested in my Terraplane, and he said, "I have a grandson whose name is Hudson!"  And it turns out that the kid is wild about Hudsons.  So I whipped out a copy of The WTN that I carry in my car, gave it to him, and suggested he give his grandson an H-E-T membership.  He left, vowing to sign the kid up in the Club.

Will he do so? Maybe, and maybe not. The point is, an opportunity arose and for once I had actually brought a copy of the magazine to give away.  

This club needs new members, and by the simple act of showing up at car shows we stir interest in the marque amongst potential members.  Having a copy of our national magazine ready to pass out, can help to clench the deal.


  • parkerm
    parkerm Expert Adviser
    You are absolutely correct. My 1940 is down at the moment due to rebuilding the transmission. If it gets completed before all the car shows/cruise-ins stop for the season I will have mine out there for people to see and for me to enjoy.
    Thanks for your post.
  • charles4d
    charles4d Expert Adviser
    It was a great time their