For Sale 1951 Hudson Hornet 4dr $4500 Sierra Vista, AZ
Hi, I'm selling my Hornet. See CL ad, if that's ok (if not, please let me know and I'll edit this ad)
you can email me at
I can vouch for this car. It's an older restoration with a '56 Twin H manifold and three speed overdrive with the 4.56's swapped out for 4.10's. Jim drove it over 4200 miles last month with minimal issues. It needs freshening, but the price represents that.0
Because the carbs were missing, and I had a couple Rochester carbs.0
looks like this one is sold....I got a deposit on it.0
squirrel said:looks like this one is sold....I got a deposit on it.
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Congratulations on resurrection/ driving experience and sale!0
Buyer paid the balance today, and drove away in his new Hudson....sorry to see it go, but I can only have so many fun cars at a time!0
squirrel said:Buyer paid the balance today, and drove away in his new Hudson....sorry to see it go, but I can only have so many fun cars at a time!
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It went to a local guy, I had seen him driving some other old cars around town, but not met him previously.0
Any chance you gave him a one year membership with the Hudson Essex Terraplane Club. It's not too late to give it to him as a gift.
John Forkner0
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