Red '54 Hornet Conv. no reserve in NC
While I love looking at convertibles, Ill never buy another! I
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Amen Kerry0
Ditto....Russ does great restorations and I took lots of pictures of this car at its debut meet, but that’s the extent of my desire for a Stepdown convertible.0
I’d still like to hear how I can jack mine up to eliminate the tight gap at the top and bigger gap at the bottom of the back of my convertibles doors. Someone must know. Sometimes I think I’ll just get a long flat piece of metal and put it on my floor jack right in the middle of the car right under the gap between the rear of the doors and the front of the rear quarter panel and start jacking.....0
What is condition of door hinges? Very common problem with the HEAVY convert doors.0
I’ll look , thanks0
If not rusty sag may be a result of jacking improperly over the years. A frame shop may be able to jack then reinforce.
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Door hinges don’t have much play if at all. I cannot lift the door while trying to from the rear of it.0
Sold for 78k0
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