Still a work in progress....My '47 is on the road again
in Street Rods
Hello folks. finally got my '47 back on the road. Still a work in progress, but progress none the less. Plan is to leave the exterior as is but redo the interior and have already re-powered the old girl. 5.7L hemi with 5 spd auto, full air-ride suspension and power steering. Yet to hook up the A/C and heat and finish the interior.
Engine bay>0
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Back on the road is great! Enjoy!0
cool, what rear end are you using??0
mustang 7.5in. I had an 8.8 but axle housing ended up being bent. 4-link with air bags.
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All right that makes my search real easy, cheers and best of luck with your project0
I forgot to ask, did you have to make any alterations or was it a bolt in application. also what year mustang am I looking for??0
other than welding in the 4link, the only other modification was I had to cut and raise the trunk pan to clear the rear end housing with the air bags deflated. basically created a hump in the trunk pan (raised it to the top edge of the frame).0
if you look closely, the "hump" is what the air tank is sitting on. everything is attached to the body, not the frame, so body can still be removed as usual. Rear end came out of an 06 Mustang V6. Honestly I would have preferred the 8.8, same track width for the same years. But wrecking yard did not have a good one to swap out for the bent one (no refund, only yard credit )
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cool. I have a lead on a 1970 mustang rear end complete with brakes etc. Searching the web I get different measurements??Will this fit my 47? It is supposed to be 59.5 inches0
packard38coupe said:cool. I have a lead on a 1970 mustang rear end complete with brakes etc. Searching the web I get different measurements??Will this fit my 47? It is supposed to be 59.5 inches0
scar426, Great build. I bet that is a lot of fun to drive, and could easily be a great daily transportation car.0
Thanks! Yup. so far, so good. Sorting out the AC system now. need it here in Texas, LOL!! HOT,HOT, HOT!!!
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