3D Printed Parts Available for Certain 1933-39 Models

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited February 2020 in Parts & Pieces
In gathering information for my Hudson Repro Parts webpage ( http://www.detailedconcepts.net/Repro_Table.pdf ), I stumbled upon a company that has the patterns to reproduce certain body parts for 1933 - 39 Hudsons as 3d printed parts.  Here is the list of what's available from the company.  Please post a correction, if any of the descriptions are wrong (or if the part fits models not noted).  That way, I can provide the corrected information on my repro website.

1933               Terraplane     Crank Hole Cover

1933               Terraplane     Headlight Mounts (L/R) Available Individually 

1933               Terraplane     Map Light Tube and Dash Mount (you supply electricals)

1932               Terraplane     Hood Ornament (Bird Style)

1932-33         Terraplane     Tail Light Mounts (L/R) Available Individually

1932-35         Terraplane     Tail Light Bulb Cans (you supply electricals/lenses)

Hood Spears, 1933 Terraplane Eight (not six) only.

1936               Unknown       Locking Door Handle (you supply lock cylinder)

1939               Unknown       Locking Trunk Handle (you supply lock cylinder)

1935 Terraplane taillight mount (L or R).  When teamed with the 1935 taillight housing, this is the result:

The parts shown, are "printed" from an alloy of 60% #316 Stainless Steel and 40% Bronze.  They do require hand finishing to smooth the surface for plating.  The parts are NOT in stock.  They must be produced, but (as I mentioned) this company has the computer data by which to do so.  (The company can also produce reproductions from your original part, even if broken (the computer can "put together" broken parts.)  For availability and price, contact:

HV3DWorks LLC, 322 Compton Court Dr., Sewickley, PA 15143





  • Old Fogey UK
    Old Fogey UK Expert Adviser
    I wish someone made Hudson 8 badges for 1934 radiator cowls.
  • PaulButler
    PaulButler Administrator
    Wow Jon , that looks impressive 

  • PaulButler
    PaulButler Administrator
    I wish someone made Hudson 8 badges for 1934 radiator cowls.
    Drop them a note , you never know they may be able to help
  • 33kc1989
    33kc1989 Senior Contributor
    good stuff.  
  • Yes Jon, I worked with Paul to have most of those parts made. The 33 Terraplane parts. Paul is good to work with. You can get many parts made with 3D. Even if you only have a broken example, he can scan them and "put them together" in the CAD file.
  • The parts showing still need to be polished and plated. The people who bought them when I originally made them are very happy with the parts. They are not cheap, but the parts we made are "unobtanium" in the used part market.
  • Old Fogey UK - Google enameled badges. There is a lady in I believe Oregon who refinishes them. I know she has also made them from scratch as well. She does very nice work. Again, not cheap.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Mike, the surface of the finished parts appears to be a bit rough.  Is this something that one simply has to smooth out with sandpaper, prior to plating?  Is it something that the ordinary mortal can do?

    By the way, Mike, have I got the descriptions okay, for each of the items?  By year and make (Hudson, Terraplane)?  Would you know if the 1936 door handle is for a Hudson, or for a Terraplane?  Likewise, does the 1939 trunk handle fit all models of Hudson?  (Or were these parts commissioned by someone other than you?)

  • Jon B said:
    Mike, the surface of the finished parts appears to be a bit rough.  Is this something that one simply has to smooth out with sandpaper, prior to plating?  Is it something that the ordinary mortal can do?

    By the way, Mike, have I got the descriptions okay, for each of the items?  By year and make (Hudson, Terraplane)?  Would you know if the 1936 door handle is for a Hudson, or for a Terraplane?  Likewise, does the 1939 trunk handle fit all models of Hudson?  (Or were these parts commissioned by someone other than you?)

    Tha 36 handle is the same as my model 63 Hudson
  • Glowplug
    Glowplug Expert Adviser
    edited February 2020
    A quick scan of the INTERNET using ... 3D scanning or 3D scanning reverse engineering will bring you to a mountain of information about the process and the services that many companies now offer.  This process has its origins in the Research and Development Grants and contracts DARPA and other US agencies provided to industry in the late 1980s.   The advent of cheap scanning and safe laser devices and camera optics made reverse engineering, scaling and object recreation possible without the GIGANTIC cost of retooling products.   It fostered many products that would have been otherwise cost and schedule prohibitive to make... think artificial hearts etc...  Fortunate for me, I was dead in the midst of the product development phase of this technology.   Making parts and pieces for out of production flying machines became one of the original focuses.   There are folks who frequent this Forum who are engineers who have made other Hudson related parts using CAD designs based on scanning and printing original parts.   These folks use these processes in their careers.  

    One of many sites 


  • Old Fogey UK
    Old Fogey UK Expert Adviser
    As an inexpensive  stopgap solution to my emblem problem, I think I could use the enamel white triangle from one of those belt buckles that the HET used to sell.
    Anyone got one that they'd part with ?
  • Jon - I only did 33 Terraplane parts with Paul, although a couple of the other parts were done with people I referred to him. The 33 hood door pulls are for 8 cyl hoods only. The 6 cyl had louvers. Yes, the 3D printing process is much like your printer spitting out a little ink, except it is spitting molten metal instead. So you do end up with the little ridges that need to be smoothed before plating. I am not aware of anyones plater finding this to be a problem. 
    Everyone I helped get the parts have been thrilled with them once they are plated.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Mike, thanks for setting me straight on the hood spears.  So those are for the Terraplane Eight of 1933, not the six?  Much obliged!
  • Jon - In a seperate post, you talked about the side grills for '39 Hudsons. I had actually inquired with Paul about those a year or so ago, and the info at the time was different from what you posted. Paul wanted $1000.00 to do the CAD work, due to the complexity of the piece. And the manufacture of the grills was $1500.00 estimated. Due to the cost, the person I was helping at the time decided not to go forward with that project.
    For the 33 Terraplane parts, I paid the $100 - $150 CAD cost myself, and added $5 or $10 to parts ordered by others to help offset this cost. If someone goes directly to HV3DWorks for 33 Terraplane parts, I would appreciate a small contribution to offset my costs. I posted all coming parts to the HET site, the Forum and here when I set out to make them, so most people who needed them got them at that time.  
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Paul (at HV3DWorks) seems like a nice fellow and seems eager to work with Hudson folks on these repros.  However, it does seem unfair to charge a customer for the full amount of the scanning, and then to charge succeeding customers (for that same part) nothing!  That's one reason for trying to get all the potential buyers to pool their resources and have all the identical parts made at one time.  Thus, the set-up costs can be equally shared by all.  However, all buyers who ordered that same part AFTER the initial order, got off scot-free.  One would indeed hope that they would have the decency to chip in, in order to offset your own personal upfront costs (which, in the end, benefited them).
  • Jon B said:
    Paul (at HV3DWorks) seems like a nice fellow and seems eager to work with Hudson folks on these repros.  However, it does seem unfair to charge a customer for the full amount of the scanning, and then to charge succeeding customers (for that same part) nothing!  That's one reason for trying to get all the potential buyers to pool their resources and have all the identical parts made at one time.  Thus, the set-up costs can be equally shared by all.  However, all buyers who ordered that same part AFTER the initial order, got off scot-free.  One would indeed hope that they would have the decency to chip in, in order to offset your own personal upfront costs (which, in the end, benefited them).
    You are right, I guess the trick is that if you want a part made , first post in here or HET to see if others want the same thing and then place a bulk order and share the setup costs, or buy extras and resell them to offset the setup costs. 

    I would be interested in a set of 29 Pine Cone Handles (Exterior and Interior) and also window winders with matching escutcheons.
  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    I think Geoff Clark in New Zealand has moulds for casting these handles .

  • Geoff Clark can you please message me if you have molds with a price.

  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    I have moulds for internal handles, window winders, robe rail brackets,  and door pulls, '29 H & E pine cone pattern.  Also '28  window winders.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Prices are U.S. $120 each plus postage for winders, 240 pair for  robe rail brackets, $75 for door pulls.   Also have rose pattern moulds for  Custom bodies.   Plus Essex flying man radiator cap. 
  • Thanks Geoff,can you message pictures for the Pine Cone Winders and handles? Do you have internal and external handles?  I just want to be sure I'm on the same page. Perhaps you can message me.