
what a great site!!   I was just searching the web for 1933 Hudson Terraplane information as I just purchased one! I will spend the next couple years working on it. I look forward to seeing all the great threads. Thanks Shredmountains 


  • Welcome! You will find the Hudson folks to be very helpful in answering  questions that you may have concerning the build of your Hudson. Consider joining the Hudson Essex Terraplane club and take advantage of the full site and member benefits. Best to you on your project and reach out to us anytime.  
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited February 2020
    Welcome, Shred!  1933 was a great year (is your car a six or an eight?)!  Our club (the H-E-T, which sponsors this forum) is 60 years old and there is a ton of accumulated information, plus a lot of members who could be very helpful in answering your questions.  Where are you located?  Maybe a club member in your area has a '33 -- you never know.

    Not to be a nitpicker, but your car is actually called an "Essex Terraplane", since it was nominally made by Essex (Hudson's inexpensive car brand, introduced in 1919).  The Essex nameplate was dropped after 1933, though, and Terraplanes eventually became known as "Hudson Terraplanes" or "Terraplane Hudsons".

    I hope you'll consider joining the H-E-T -- here is their website, for more information:
    Home - Hudson Essex Terraplane Club Site