American Motors Corporation Standard Parts Catalog
Motors Corporation Standard Parts Catalog, issued March 1, 1956. Complete
with no pages missing. 86 pages. Cover and binding in good
-----Shipping is only available in the continental United States.------
$10.00 for the manual plus $8.00 USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope.
Thank you, Vic
OK..... How about $12.00 for the manual "INCLUDING" shipping!! That's "Almost Free!"
Vic ...nevadavic.
0 -
hey Vic, my email replies back to you are giving me failure notices, are you legit? I bought the belt buckle and taillight from you0
Hi cheyenne7271,
Yes, I'm real..! I'm shipping out your items today! Vic ….nevadavic
0 -
News Flash! $10.00 including Media Mail shipping for the "American Motors Corporation Standard Parts Catalog!"
Vic ...nevadavic
0 -
SOLD - American Motors Corporation Standard Parts Catalog
0 -
That is an extremely low price for the manual.
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