Hudson Roadster R/S 1930

edited November -1 in HUDSON
How many this Hudsons have be finished 1930?
I live in Finland and find that car some old man.
He drive this car only 40 kilometers while 26 years.
It stay last 20 years in cold garage.
Here is the pictures for car:

Someone rodded that car 1953.
Engine is chevrolet 235cid blueflame in-line 6.
Rear axle is 35-39 Ford truck and transmission is original.
I need some information for product quantity and this day prices.

Sami from Finland


  • it looks like it was converted from a '36-7 by the 2 piece windshield and the for prices,are you trying to sell it? it's hard to put a price on something like that,i would leave it as much like you found it as possible,just clean it up and get it mechanically sound-george
  • Fenders is handmade. Maybe windshield too.
    No i am not try to sell it.

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