Stepdown disc brakes

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Is there somebody out there who makes a disc brake setup for a 53 Hornet that will replace the drums (front)


  • There was a fellow at the Front Royal meet in May with Hudson disc brake conversion kits and now I've forgotten his name! Someone will come along and answer this one. Hang on...
  • Richard Pridemore has them. He is the President of the DOGWOOD CHAPTER --- 336.427.4930. Easy to deal with just call the him the prez.

  • I have not converted to disks, but I understand that rear disks from a Lincoln Town Car will work with no problem.
  • There is an article in Nov/Dec, 2002 issue of WTN about how to convert the Lincoln disc brakes to a Hudson, but I thought somebody actually made a kit to do so.
  • Sorrento Auto parts in Fla. offers a conversion that is supposedly a bolt on affair. Wes Kithens has one on his car and says they were very easy to install. You might want to check with Wes, He could give you the particulars on the swap. <> I believe this is the correct Email address.
  • Bill Labud of Lake Mary, Fla. offers kits for converting Step-Downs and 1940-47 Hudsons, to disc brakes. One would send him the two front wheel hubs and then he'd put the kit together with the backing plates, and send it back with instructions. It bolts to the original spindles. Nothing has to be changed on the front end and it is reversable in case you ever want to go back to original. I don't have Bill Labud's address but his brother Don (who told me about this) can be reached at . Delete the HET before sending.
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