Whose Pick up?

Fred Expert Adviser
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I was going to work yesterday morning on I-90 between Painesville and Mentor Ohio (Westbound) when I glanced over at the rest stop on the eastbound side and saw a car hauler with an orange VW beattle (Old one) a Dodge mini van(old one) and what caught my eye as a 46/47 Hudson pickup truck. I didn't make an illegal U turn and continued on to work, but shaking my head to make sure I was really awake. (Donut shop owners have been known to go to work early). Later in the morning I had to reverse my route so I pulled into the rest stop and there it was. If I could figure out how to get the dodge out of the way and crank the Hudson down (without waking the driver sleeping in the tractor) it would have been mine. It was grey with black fenders and soot all over the front as if it had made a long journey. Anybody have a clue?

Fred Lorenz
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