Engine serial no\'s: 308

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Could someone please point me to a list of serial No's by year of manufacture? I have a single carb 308 in a '51 Hornet, and am trying to find out when the engine was made. Serial No. looks like 182384. But the last 8 is questionable. Perhaps letters ED above it? Has been repainted and hard to read.

Many Thanks,



  • Alex Burr's excellent Hudson General Specifications page is at http://groups.msn.com/HudsonGeneralSpecifications/_whatsnew.msn . You'll find a link on the left side of the page for the serial numbers you seek.

    If you haven't been there, the H-E-T Club main page has many links to various Hudson sites such as Alex's, many of which offer technical information. It's at http://www.hudsonclub.org/
  • Jon,

    Many thanks, I had looked at Alex's info, but couldn't get a comparable figure. The door plate VIN is 7A35433, but the motor no. does not begin with 7A, or match the rest of the VIN. Or perhaps I'm reading the wrong No. from the block (front, right, vertical, bottom up). I'm trying to figure out if the car has the wrong engine in it. It has the low compression iron head that identifies it as a 308.

  • 182384 would be a mid- late '52 model year motor. They did not use the model designator (i.e: 7A, 8B, etc) before the motor serial number. The model designator was used on the serial # plate on passenger front door pillar. However, if engine is original, the # after model designator will match the # on the engine block.
  • Ken,

    Many thanks! Judging by the shape of the motor mounts its been in there for a while... or else they were not changed when it was! If it's a '52, then perhaps, I can use it as justification for adding twin H.... smile.gif Again, Thanks to all.

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