For your internet viewing pleasure...

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Here's something neat. I posted this last year on our old forum, but if you missed it, it's a promo film for new '32 Terraplanes that was shown in theatres.

You must have RealPlayer to view this (free download from internet if you don't have it). Then, if you have a DSL connection click here -- if you have a dial-up connection click here.

Unfortunately, you have to sit through a '32 Ford commercial first!


  • I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't receive any sound, only the video. What is wrong?
  • Thanks Jon B.
    I had to download the new version of realplayer but it was worth the time. Man, times sure have changed. I like to see and hear, the old movies, radio, and tv. Of course it's better if it concerns a Hudson Product!
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