Essex Engine

edited November -1 in HUDSON
Hey there, I have an early 20's Essex engine I have just pulled out of an 1914 Indy Car. I have not a clue as to what year it is. I need to find information on Essex engines. I have to sell this engine and am not going to until I have more information on it. All I know is that it is a 4-Cylinder F-Head. The Carbuerator has a patent date of 1920, but that isn't very helpful. If anyone can help, just post here, or email me at [email=""][/email]



  • The Essex 4 was made from 1919 to 1923. It was used in the low priced Essex, but it was very powerfull for it's day. It has 3 3/8" bore & 5" stroke rated at 50 HP.
  • So the F-Head 4 was only produced between 1919 and 1923? Then they changed to that "Super Six" 6-cylinder?

    I have a serial # on the engine block, is there anyway of getting information on the serial #?
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