Went to "Endless Summer" Car Show Today

[Deleted User]
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I got a last minute call from a buddy of mine yesterday who invited me to a local car show here in So Cal (wow- two shows in two weeks). It was held literally right on the beach. They had a cancellation so I took the last spot. It was limited to forty seven cars. No awards or judging, just neat old cars parked along the beach where everyone walks on the esplanade (Hermosa Beach). As expected, I was the only Hudson and there were lots of bikinis.... Thank you Lord! (and yes Rob, you shoulda been there!). I had three or four different people specifically come up to me and say that they liked my car best (48 Commodore). It truely garnered alot of attention. One of my favorite cars there was a 1960 Lincoln Mk 5 Convertible. It was LONG! The owner and event organizer stated that it was the longest car made in 1960. Beautiful original paint and interior. Too many cars and not enough money... sounds like a great tombstone don't it?
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