Starter Wiring (switch)

edited November -1 in HUDSON
I am working on a '29 Essex and have just reinstalled the starter. When I hook the battery to ground, the starter spins and won't stop. Where is the starter switch and how is to be wired? Is it internal?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks, Mark


  • The starter switch sits on top of the starter motor, and is actuated by a bowden cable from the dash. It is basically a strip of sandwiched bronze with a brass contact button which connects with the post on the starter when you pull the knob. The battery cable connects to a terminal post on the switch assembly
  • Thanks Geoff. Where would one go to find the switch, cable, knob etc?

    Does anyone have any pictures of this?
  • Mark, you need to get in touch with Lewis Mendenhall, the Club's '29 Essex advisor. He's listed on the last page of the WTN or you can find his contact info. at the H-E-T e-mail list
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