hudson parts for sale
For a year I drove a Hudson commodore coupe 1950. I still have some nice (complete rustfree) parts for sale:
- an original outside sun visor
- two removable side mudguards (has to be removed to change wheels)
- petrol door
- dashboard door with Hudson emblem
- immacualte Hudson 1951 folder
- Hudson group parts catalogue
If you are interested in one of these items let me know. I can send you pictures of everything you are interested in.
- an original outside sun visor
- two removable side mudguards (has to be removed to change wheels)
- petrol door
- dashboard door with Hudson emblem
- immacualte Hudson 1951 folder
- Hudson group parts catalogue
If you are interested in one of these items let me know. I can send you pictures of everything you are interested in.
I sent you an email regarding the mudguards.
Jay0 -
jsrail, they might be commodore fender skirts, if I am reading right. They got the wide stainless trim, and I think they are different, trim and all, as compared to a pacemaker.... just my thoughts....0
hudsonkid wrote:jsrail, they might be commodore fender skirts, if I am reading right. They got the wide stainless trim, and I think they are different, trim and all, as compared to a pacemaker.... just my thoughts....
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