47 Hudson Pickup on Ebay -
Have seen a couple of posts, with people looking for Hudson Pickups (other than myself)...
Here is/are a couple... Be sure to look into this, as it has been modified/chopped/'clipped'. There is a 'spare parts truck' in this offer as well.
The major expense here will be shipping/transporting, which could amount to as much or more than the opening price of the vehicles ($3,000.00)...
47 Hudson Pickup(s) on Ebay
Here is/are a couple... Be sure to look into this, as it has been modified/chopped/'clipped'. There is a 'spare parts truck' in this offer as well.
The major expense here will be shipping/transporting, which could amount to as much or more than the opening price of the vehicles ($3,000.00)...
47 Hudson Pickup(s) on Ebay
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