Misc Hudson Parts
I just spent the better part of today taking pictures and posting the "Good","Working", Hudson parts I took off my '48 Super Six onto Ebay. Stuff like the 6 volt horns, brake drums, headlight switch, etc. One thing I posted was a rear glass. It was still in the box, and it says, "Back Glass 52 Hudson Hornet". I have no idea what Hudson it fits, but the dimensions are 51and1/2in by 22in. It would help if I knew what it fit. If you have any idea, e-mail me at wkitchen@midsouth.rr.com If you wish to bid on any of the items, and want to save shipping, I'll be at the MidSouth Chapter Meet Oct. 29th and 30th. and could bring the parts with me. Don't look at my '48 as a "butchered" car, look at it as an "organ donor"!(ha)
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