47 Hudson engine?

edited November -1 in HUDSON
What engine might this be? its in a 47 Super Six 2 door Sedan we purchased.Does anybody need one? it runs.


  • Are you asking about the engine in the car, or the separate cyl. head and intake manifold in the other picture? I don't know what they are, but the engine in the car looks like the original 212 c.i.d. Hudson six engine (at least from the photos). If it runs, it would have value to anyone with a '40-47 Hudson, and you might want to advertise it in the White Triangle News. (About 3400 more Hudsonites read the newsletter than come to the Forum page, apparently!)
  • What are ya gonna do with the car? Looks restorable to me. It still casts a shadow doesn't it?
  • The 47 is going to be a drag car like the 49 my dad runs. so pretty much every part of the car is up for grabs short of the body and frame rails. A picture of the 49 has been added to the above link.
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