Bumper Jacks

hudsonguy Senior Contributor
edited November -1 in HUDSON
I was just wondering what some of you Stepdown Hud-Nuts are using for a jack in your trunk?

I've been carrying a small hydraulic 'floor jack', but have realized that I probably couldn't change a flat tire on the rear if I got one, because by lifting from the rear axle, I wouldn't be able to get the body of the car high enough, or the axle low enough to get the tire on or off.

I was considering picking up a High Lift jack at my nearest Farm & Fleet. It's basically a tall ratchet jack with a fairly long/large 'hook', that seems about the same shape as the original Hudson hydraulic jack. It looks like it could lift the from the bumper rather than the axle, and get the car high enough.

All insight is appreciated.



  • Check out the Hydraulic Scissors Jack from JC Whitney (Stock #SF14861T). This is the jack that I carry in my trunk as I just don't trust a 53 year old bumper jack. I also have a folding lug wrench that is available from Harbor Freight.
  • Placeing the jack on the frame just in front of the rear wheel will work.
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