1966 Rambler Rouge
I'm new to the whole antique car scene and just looking for some info. I'm inquiring and most likely buying a 1966 Rambler Rouge, 2dr Hardtop with 232 motor and automatic trans. It needs some minor interior work, front buckets cause use seatcovers, and it has a coupler small rust areas on the rear wheel wells but is in good condition mechanicly. The current owner seems to be an expert on Ramblers, seeing how he owns a total of 23 cars all Ramblers and Ambasadors, but I'd like to find some info on them somewhere else. Anyone have an idea where i can find some info cause I'm having some trouble with it or your input on this type of car would also be great.
here is a link to pics of the car
i'm an idiot and put the link in wrong, but it works now
here is a link to pics of the car
i'm an idiot and put the link in wrong, but it works now
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