GOODGUYS Puyallup WA event
Senior Contributor
While we're talking shows, anybody taking a car (or just going) to the Goodguys at the Puyallup fairgrounds July 14-16? I hope to be there with my red and white '48 coupe, probably just Saturday. Stop by, and we can swap a few lies. . .
Mike (WA) wrote:While we're talking shows, anybody taking a car (or just going) to the Goodguys at the Puyallup fairgrounds July 14-16? I hope to be there with my red and white '48 coupe, probably just Saturday. Stop by, and we can swap a few lies. . .0
Dan- I need to call the contact number- heard somewhere that you can't exhibit for just one day, but don't know if thats true- If I can just do Saturday, I'll probably get there about 9, and stay the day.0
Mike (WA) wrote:While we're talking shows, anybody taking a car (or just going) to the Goodguys at the Puyallup fairgrounds July 14-16? I hope to be there with my red and white '48 coupe, probably just Saturday. Stop by, and we can swap a few lies. . .
Looks like I might get to meet a few Hudroders at the Goodguys show .We wont be bringing my 46 as I have spent the last four months working on a Make A Wish 54 Chevy PU. Very rewarding work and will show it at the local race track and all Flathead Valley car show on July 1 weekend. See ya there.
Sonny0 -
Well, so much for that. Got a family event that takes precedence on that day. Maybe next year. . .0
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