Pacemaker Update Part II
Okay, part II:
The passenger side is not bad.
The driver's floorpan has 2 holes, not bad, but since I need to build a new tranny tunnel, I'll probably just build a new front floorpan/tunnel.
The second hole. No holes in rear or passenger front.
We go soon on vacation, but when we return, hopefully the donor will be going into dip to clean this pup up! Now I can finally start to get some things done.
"damn its hot!"
The passenger side is not bad.
The driver's floorpan has 2 holes, not bad, but since I need to build a new tranny tunnel, I'll probably just build a new front floorpan/tunnel.
The second hole. No holes in rear or passenger front.
We go soon on vacation, but when we return, hopefully the donor will be going into dip to clean this pup up! Now I can finally start to get some things done.
"damn its hot!"
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